Nintendo Everything has an article summarizing a Q&A Capcom had on their forums regarding Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President and Yuri L. Araujo, Associate Online/Community Specialist were on hand to answer players’ questions. Here’s some of the information from that:
Araujo confirming no online for the 3DS version…
“Anyways, no plans for online mode on the 3DS version. Sorry =(”
Svensson also confirming no online for the 3DS version…
“I’d have loved to have seen online as well for 3DS but it twas not to be. Sorry.”
Svensson on shutting down the Tri servers for Wii…
“At some point in time (I’m not saying when… we’ll give everyone a heads up well in advance when we make that decision) we will sunset the Tri servers which are hosted by KDDI in Japan. I was adamant that we not do so until we had a proper alternative title to allow people to migrate to if they wish. It would have been bad just cut people off with no other place for them to hunt, in spite of the significant costs of operation.”