Iwata Asks – Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (3DS) – Part 3 – Fan Translation


KameDaniRyuu has posted another portion of the Bravely Default Iwata Asks feature. Here’s part of it:

“Iwata: Where does the “nostalgic” feeling of the world design come from?

Hayashi: Hmmm, where does it come from…?  I can’t really put it into words clearly but it it is most likely comes from it being the same atmosphere of the RPGs I played as a kid.

Iwata: Perhaps it’s nostalgic because it can make you experience the same feelings.  Even still, if you were to experience the same exact thing again now, you wouldn’t feel exactly the same way you did at the time, right?  Asano-san, have you given any thought to the real source of that nostalgic feeling?

Asano: I think the source of that nostalgic feeling is the link with early experiences.  When I was in charge of remaking FF3 and FF4, when I checked in game what players clearly remembered about those games, the reality was actually different.”

To read Part 3 of the Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Iwata Asks, check out KameDaniRyuu’s Tumblr below.

3DS, 3DS Podcast News, Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, Fan Translations, Handhelds, Iwata Asks, KameDaniRyuu, Nintendo, Portables, RPG, Satoru Iwata, Silicon Studio, Square Enix, Tumblr,image

Eurogamer has posted an interview article with Precursor Games’ CEO Paul Caporicci. In the interview they discuss Shadow of the Eternals. Here’s part of the interview:

“”We’re trying to take the psychological horror theme and the structure of playing multiple characters and incorporating that into Shadow of the Eternals but also taking it to the next level with the storytelling and exploring from multiple points of view and the perception of reality – what’s real and what’s not.”” – Paul Caporicci, Precursor Games, as told to Jeffrey Matulef, Eurogamer

Consoles, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, Eurogamer, GoNintendo, Interviews, PC, Precursor Games, Shadow of the Eternals, Silicon Knights, Spiritual Successors, Survival Horror, Wii U,image
Edge has posted a sort of mini-review for Nintendo’s 3DS eShop title, Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move. Here’s part of the review:

“The gentle puzzle-platforming of previous games has been replaced by a combination of PipeMania and Lemmings, as clockwork toys toddle automatically down paths created by tiles you place, twist or slide, collecting tokens on their way to the exit.” – Edge

To read more of the Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move review, click over to Edge at the link below.

3DS, 3DS eShop, Donkey Kong, Edge, eShop, GoNintendo, Mario, Mario and Donkey Kong, Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move, Nintendo, Nintendo eShop, Nintendo Software Technology, NST, Portables, Reviews,

As you’ve probably heard, Nintendo’s offering a deal for the Wii U Virtual Console version of Super Mario Bros. 2. If you purchase Super Mario World on the Wii U Virtual Console at regular price, you can buy Super Mario Bros. 2 for 50% off. But what if you bought it on Wii and transferred it over? Well GoNintendo reader Alan says that if you transferred the Wii versions of Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario World over to your Wii U, then you won’t get the 50% discount. You either pay full-price or keep the $1.00 Wii U upgrade deal.

That’s pretty crummy of Nintendo. I think the whole Wii U/Wii Virtual Console transferring thing is messed up to begin with. We shouldn’t have to buy the same game 20 times. Once you buy it once it should stay in your account no matter what device you go to. Maybe now with Nintendo Network IDs we can finally have an overall account for Nintendo systems.

GoNintendo, NES, Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System, Platformer, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, Virtual Console, Wii U, Wii U Podcast News, Wii U Virtual Console,image
According to GoNintendo reader Alan, Nintendo has opened 2 new Miiverse communities. These are for two of the new Virtual Console releases:

  • Super Mario Bros 2.
  • Super Ghouls’n Ghosts

Capcom, Consoles, GoNintendo, Miiverse, Miiverse Communities, Nintendo, Super Ghouls’n Ghosts, Super Mario Bros. 2, Wii U, Wii U Podcast News,