Game Saga Website Presents: Murdered Soul Suspect

Game Saga Website had the honor to present you concept art of one of the most popular action video games online. Released in June 2014, five years ago and it is still considered one of the best action video games ever. Playing action games can be really exciting, but if you are looking for something even more thrilling with real money involved, then entering the online casino world is what you are looking for. Here on you will …

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Nearly 30 New Video Game Releases Are Coming to Wii

With Mario Kart 8 the most popular video game, recently released a couple of weeks ago, a lot of people are picking up a Wii console along with the game and if you’re one such person, you might be wondering, what other exclusive games will be coming out this year for Nintendo’s first HD system? Well there’s nearly 30 true exclusives set to come to the console by the end of the year and nearly 30 more that are …

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E3 2014 – Nintendo E3 Digital Event Live Blog!

Welcome to GameSaga’s Live Blog coverage of the 2014 Nintendo Digital Event at E3 2014! Check out our live blog below or if you want to watch the stream live, you can do so at the links below or with either of the embedded videos below as well. To conserve space on the home page, we have moved the live blog recap to after the jump.…

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